St. Michael’s Medical Center Silverdale, WA
Architect: NBBJ
UW IDL’s Role: Energy Consultant

The UW IDL, in collaboration with NBBJ and SOLARC Energy Group, provided technical assistance on St. Michael’s Medical Center, a ne
w 144 bed (550,000 ft2 ) hospital in Silverdale, Washington, which opened in December 2020. With a stated goal of 135 kBtu/ft2 -yr in the RFP, its current energy performance is estimated to be 98 kBtu/ft2 -yr, saving over 5M kWh each year, making this hospital one of the most energy efficient designs in the US today. The project has been approved for a Puget Sound Energy conservation rebate of over $1,500,000. The UW IDL’s scope included energy evaluation, goal setting, strategy development, energy modeling, WSEC compliance, and utility incentive modeling.