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AIA Energy in Design Awards

The UW IDL, under Prof. Meek’s direction and with funding from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), developed and delivered the inaugural Energy in Design Award as part of AIA Seattle’s annual Honor Awards.  Beginning in 2016, all submissions in the BUILT category are required to submit energy use data in consideration of the Energy in Design Award. Prof. Meek led customization of an easy-to-use tool, the Energy in Design Calculator, to capture standard information and compare results toward the Architecture 2030 targets. Under Prof. Meek’s direction, the Integrated Design Lab provides a demonstration of the tool and answers submitter questions, then provides technical review of the submissions and provides a dossier for the panel of invited jurors.

Materials Matter

In 2016-2017, the University of Washington’s Integrated Design Lab partnered with the Carbon Leadership Forum and the Health Product Declaration Collaborative to develop and deliver Materials Matter, a professional education series on sustainable building materials selection.